Reply To: Staff Issue

  • Chris Lassiter

    October 7, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you for starting this discussion. Was this person given a detailed job description when hired? If so, that will help as you move forward and discuss her performance with her. I would set aside time to speak with her. Ask her how she thinks she is doing. Provide positive feedback and then give examples of where she may not be meeting expectations. Maybe she is not completely aware of what is expected of her. Ask her if she needs additional training/support and if so, in what areas.

    Don’t come from a place of “fear”; Sometimes we hire people that turn out not to be a good fit for the practice. Speak with her, allow her a chance to voice her opinion and then give her a timeline for improvement and determine next steps.

    I think it is important to remind the rest of the team to focus on their own roles. No one should be asking what someone else’s job is – That is creating a situation where sides are being taken and that is unfair. Everyone has a role in the practice and each of those is different, but all are important. If there is a question of division of responsibilities, that is something that can be worked on together to be sure everyone is on the same page.

    If you need a job description for your meeting, check the DOCUMENT LIBRARY for resources.

    Hope this helps…..